Thursday, November 20, 2014

Getting Started with the Samsung Tab 4 from an Apple Girl.

First things first.... How do I turn this thing on?! I can use an Ipad, I can use this thing right? The reality however is that you can't expect this device to behave like an Ipad there are some differences and they have tripped me up as I am trying to learn this device.

I admit the set up for my teacher tablet was fairly easy. The tablet talks you through most of it.  It helps if you already have a google account you are using. If you don't already have one you can set one up here or follow the directions on your new tablet.  Learning to use it however was a little trickier.

Here is one video I used to help learn how to use the device:

Some tips.

1) If there is no back button on an app to get you back to the last screen us the return arrow on the bottom of your tablet.

2) Double clicking the home screen

3) The google search box is always on the bottom right  side of the home screens. You can use it to search the web but you can also use it to find apps on your device.

My advice?  Unbox your device, run through the set-up and then watch the video above. Pause and try each new trick he teaches you along the way. Get comfortable with the navigation. Next post I will look at installing apps.

What is your best beginner android tip?

Thursday, August 7, 2014


My school is launching a android tablet project. 8 classes will be receiving a 1/2 class set of Samsung Galaxy Tab4 tablets to use. I am very excited but also quite terrified. 

I'm an apple girl. Hand me an Iphone or an Ipad and I can make it do things. The android world is foreign and new to me. Everyone keeps telling me I will be much happier with this new platform. Lets hope they are right. 

 My colleagues and I will be working together to try and learn how to use these devices to improve student learning and make our lives a little easier. I figure we are not the only ones who will be doing this so I thought I would share our journey here. I will using this blog to let you all know what I have learned. 

Welcome to the adventure!